I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children are blessed. – Psalm 37:25-26
Thoughts, emotions and actions
Emotions are the expressions of our innermost content, feeling or belief due to our ideology and our concept of a particular thing, person, race or culture. Do we see our emotions? ….NO! It is only through our outward behaviour that we express our emotions (concepts). A bit like the engine of a vehicle. No one sees the engine but it is the engine that makes the vehicle move.
Scientifically speaking, our emotion is a force that is likely to transfer the energy of our thoughts into work which is our actions.
Our thoughts are based in our soul. It is the seat of passion and desires whiles it is the body that carries out the actions of what is felt. Many of us think that God does not listen to us. Nevertheless there are some things that God does not change: That is our choice. He can only show us that this and that is wrong. Our emotions are very difficult to hide because they have been brought about by what has been implanted into us now or in the past. It is our responsibility through proper management to put our emotions in check or else it can take us down.
Whatever choices or decisions we make in life, God honours them. You want to know why?? GOD DID NOT CREATE ACTIONS, HE ONLY CREATED REACTIONS. Most of us could have being successful long ago but the paths we stubbornly took have delayed our success. This success will come by his Grace but….long time before! God honours everything! ….so we learn some experience and sacrifice a few things here and there. However, Please stick to obedience because it is better that sacrifices.
Looking at Psalm 23, it is all about emotional expressions. All those six verses in there, show emotions of David. He was scared and so, in there God is his guide and guard. It is those same emotions that led him to sin. To always preserve our souls is to be in the house of the Lord.
In Psalms 51 also, David expressed emotions when he said it was in sin that his mother conceived him so he is a sinner. He recognised his guilt and prayed for God to create in him a new heart… David carried and comported himself well to ask for forgiveness. He had the right approach to ask God for a change.
We shall continue this in the next topic SERVICE