But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. – 2 Chronicles 15:7
Fire Room Prayer
Read Isaiah 58.
What is the right way of doing prayer? In that Isaiah chapter, it asked us if our way is the right way of fasting and prayer? We say we are Christians but are we living that way so that the people would call us so? Why do we not live as Jesus said to us; “Do unto others as you want others to do unto you”? Does your heart condemn you when you are doing anything? Read Psalms 58 so it guides us before God!
Fire Room Prayer
Find out how you can reframe your prayers. Prayers that God would give his ear to.
In Matthew 7:7, it reads that we should ask and it shall be given unto us, it went on from there… So also in Jn. 14:14, Jesus wanted us to know that ask anything in the name of Jesus Christ and God the Father would do it for you.
Jesus sounded a note of caution that do not just pray; but when we pray, we should pray in a particular fashion. Pray with the format by first praising God the Father in Heaven… Matt. 6:9-15.
Today, how do we shape our prayer life so it is unique. For that reason we are launching what is called fire room prayer. Where nobody tells you what to pray for but you know that it is between you and God (Unless specific prayer points are raised). A prayer in which you are not distracted. In this type of prayer, you set your time as to how long you want to pray for. There, you are going to wrestle with God for a solution.
In this type of prayer, you empty everything with God. Make sure you put of phones, etc.. As soon as you connect, do not disconnect till your prayer is over and you set the time and agenda. Read your Bible, especially the verses about prayer or that has to do with prayer.
Better to prayer for 10 minutes and get a conviction that the prayer is answered than to pray for an hour and feel nothing.
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