I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children are blessed. – Psalm 37:25-26
Transform Your Life: Make Use Of NOW
Spreading from Integration
Making use of now is to make use of the tools available to you. At times your life
can be made use of by others in the community. Make use of the tools you have now. There are reading materials out there to motivate you to greater heights so please make use of now.
What makes you uniques is that you are special than the next person you are dealing with. Ask this: How sustainable is that office you have today? Do you test your skills? Challenges are good for us all because they brings out the best in us so test yourself all the time. Anything you want to do there are many resources out there, today we have YouTube and the internet for us to learn from.
Never think you are the best today and be big headed; for a time comes soon that someone would come to challenge you. We need the power of the Holy Spirit for now to realise or manifest the future. Practice is good however, if you do not have passion in that thing you are practicing, you would never be good at it. Passion will make you put an effort in everything you do.
Can God use you now? God can make use of you now for anything He wants. The anointing of God can fall on anybody He chooses to perform with. This anointing is the Holy Spirit of God to function. If you are the only person available to be used, God would use you. Because God has used someone to perform a miracle does not means that they are making heaven.
It is a chance not a right to do the work of God. Explore the opportunity you have to do God’s work. It is the only work you do not contest for and God has always raised someone in the community to do His work.