I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children are blessed. – Psalm 37:25-26
I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children are blessed. – Psalm 37:25-26
Faith is a substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen (Heb. 11:1). Look at the woman with the issue of blood. Why did she think that if I could touch the herm of Jesus’ garment she would be whole? I imagine how she had to crawl through in to see Jesus. But Jesus knew that He was touched. He asked and the woman said it was her and he said her faith had made her whole
The prodigal son after trying all he could did decided to go back to the father; but the father never gave up. He kept waiting for the son. One day the father sat up… till he saw the son comenig.
What of blind Bathemeaus who sat waiting for anything to happen. He asked what is happening in his area. He was told that it is Jesus’ of Nazareth who is passing. He was told to shut up but he decided not to shut up. But he had heard of the name Jesus. He shouted Son of David come and have mercy on me. Jesus turned because the man praised Him. In those days people were saying that “Son of the carpenter”.
Psalm 118:18 says I shall not die so there are situations that we find ourselves in that unless God intervenes we will not be able to get out of them. God has got his eyes on you and will not let you go. God will be God in your life if only you allow Him. He said I stand at the door and knock; Rev. 3:20. Open and he will be in to help. This is all about faith. The question is do you have faith? Remember the woman with issue of blood. God can heal any form of diseases. Because the power of God is in the house. He is still in the miracle working business. Amen