The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself. – Proverbs 11:25
In this blog we are looking at four keys to a successful christian living. Now lets us look at what a key is. A key is anything that can be used to lock or unlock something and it is believed that these keys all exist in society. Now so what is success? Success is attaining to the heights or pinnacle of a matter or issue that brings us joy.
The Keys To Success
- Goal
- Planning
- Learning
- Creativity
A goal is what we want to achieve. Planning is after we set a goal, we put in place structures to get to our goal. Learning takes place to train us to lay down strategies to enable the structures we put in place into getting us to achieve our goal. Now after we finish all the above, we enter into making our goal visible for people to see: One becomes accomplished. This is creativity.
For example a painter might have an idea to paint (goal) something but no one sees the idea. When the painting is finished we see the painting (creativity). There might be interest in the painting so the thought of marketing (another goal) comes in and if eventually financial break through is attained, that is another creativity.
This is bit cyclic when observed from the top however, it is spiral with steps from the sides. The attainment of every goal which is creativity, should inspire us to the setting up of new goals. The success of every goal basically rely on the learning and the planning processes.
In Gen. 1:1, God had already set His goal to create. What we all see is His creativity. He had a learning and planning process with the Trinity. Likewise, it is our responsibility to know what we intend to achieve (goal) and go through the learning and planning processes to actualise the set goal.
Esther 4:16 teaches us another of the steps of success. Esther believed in a good plan. She had a goal to go see the King on a life threatening matter. She planned and study the chamberlains. The planning process involved something even she herself had to do. What was the end result? (Creativity).
In 1 Kings 3:7-10, we learning about how Solomon who had the whole kingdom to lead asked God for an understanding heart (learning). He had a goal to please God. He planned to sacrifice and pray to God. Was he a success? (Creativity).
2 Chronicles 18:7 shows us the end result which is creativity after a goal, planning and learning process. The King Jehoshaphat was looking for perfection (creativity) so he had to call the only prophet in the land that will tell the truth.
These whole ideas of successful success are all biblical. Most of us only read the bible canally without the expert help of the Holy spirit and so we miss it. When the anointing of God opens our minds to understand the holy scriptures, the knowledge we gain gives us wisdom for our successful christian living. What do I mean? If all laws on earth basically took a cue from the bible, then all successful business persons on earth obey biblical principles towards success in business. The goal of a company is its mission statement or….? Do churches too not have mission statements?