The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. – Psalm 85:12
The Will of God Knowledge
This is a continuation from The will of God – Sanctification
It is The Will of God that we grow in knowledge
There are a lot of times when we cannot remain in sanctification (the will of God) due the what Paul described as those we are unequally yoked with us, in 2 Cor. 6:14, who end up defiling us. When we do the will of God and remain sanctified, the bible says in Prov. 16:7 that He will cause our enemies to be at peace with us. The purpose of sanctification is for us to have peace. Sanctification is not holiness but it is the process of being or becoming Holy.
The truth is very important in cleansing ourselves. It is very important to know ourselves for that is the only way we can know when things are going wrong. When we are sanctified we tell people the truth in all situations; when you truthfully advice a friend and advice is not taken, shame will not allow the friend to come and complain to you. So you remain at peace. Our ways please God by being obedient to Him. Christians are not smart but they are born intelligent. We are naturally endowed with the gift of knowledge that comes to us. The fact that you are a Christian does not mean one day a sort of calamity would not befall you. However, our hope as born again Christians is that in 1 Corinthians 10:13, He said I will make a way. Yes it is known that at times calamities befall us due to our own disobedience and therefore we create our own problems due to poor planning and management of our resources.
Christianity is your ability to understand that God has given us the knowledge, wisdom and the power to understand. God is the one who has after allowing our justification has sanctified us. Sanctification is not holiness; No! It is a continual and regular process to making us holy. This is the process by which we develop a christian experience and begin to acquire knowledge. This acquisition process is a gradual one. Among other things, it involves reading, studying, searching for useful information (education) that would lead you into gradually attaining your goals in life whether you want to be a church worker, plumber or a cleaner. Throughout these endeavours, one might be disappointed here and there by for example failures, etc. Nevertheless, in all these we are gaining valuable experience and in most cases that same thing that we failed in today, we would not fail in tomorrow and this is how temptation is to Christians. A Christian would fall into temptation here and there but the knowledge that we gain from our falling makes us not to fall on that same stumbling block again.